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Francesco Sandonà is a young and talented filmmaker who will create a few video episodes for Manne.

The idea was letting the customers talk about their “Manne experience” as they would tell to friends or interested people. So the video is not so much about technicalities but more focused on the genesis of the definition and realization of a Manne instrument, from the request to the result.

A list of questions was submitted to the customer, alone on the set just with Francesco filming him, so he could answer without preparation, just very spontaneous and without pressure or conditioning. The questions were: Why did you choose Manne? Which are the unusual features of your Manne instrument(s)? How do the differences compare to other instruments? What inspiration did the instrument provide, or what new possibilities did the instrument offer?

The Videos are all in Italian with English subtitles. The first episode is on Andrea Fascetti and his Acoustibass 6 strings; is available on Vimeo:


Almost ready there will be Steve Saluto, then will follow Mauro Natali, Ray Lamanna, and Stefano Acquasaliente. The series will then be condensed in a video mix, including all contributors.



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